direct to you!
What does direct to customer really mean for you?
When you purchase a barr + barr leather handbag or cashmere piece you are saving money each time you buy. How can that be, you wonder? Since barr + barr sells top quality designs directly to customers on our website, we are able to cut out the traditional retail markups applied by middlemen and pass along the savings to all of our customers. In addition, all items are shipped free of charge to you.
This means no high markups and no continuous sales because our prices are fair and reasonable. We sell the same exceptionally made products as we have for nearly twenty years.
When I decided to sell directly to customers, exclusively through my website, it was with the intention of building a lasting relationship with my customers. A relationship of trust, service and excellence in all that we do for you.
Please continue to watch for blog posts providing helpful information on fashion style, how to care for your accessories and new ways to effortlessly update your wardrobe. We look forward to being your first word in accessories and your first thought when it comes to considering a new leather handbag or accessory!
Sincere thanks for your support,