Getting closer to you!
Many of our loyal customers have asked why I am am no longer selling my handbag brand on television. I truly loved talking, demonstrating and modeling my luxury leather handbags on a shopping channel for over six years. When my brand launched in 2000, I sold through traditional retail stores and had no way to connect with my potential customers, then my television shopping shows changed all of that. It was a magic experience talking to millions of women.
Now, my desire is to get closer to you and it is very personal. By selling exclusively through my website, I can offer my customers much more value for what you pay. Not only can we bring all of the savings directly to you by cutting out the wholesale markup, but we can also create a product that reflects your needs. There is an open channel for you to talk to us, shop with us and get closer to us. We are here to bring you the best quality leather handbags that you can buy. That is the only reason we are here- for you.
Nothing has changed. In fact, our leather handbags and accessories are even better! We still have our signature love-letter lining in every handbag. We still only use the very best leather for each handbag- and only 100% leather. New collections can be introduced more often, with a constant stream of new designs incorporating your suggestions.
That is why, after much thought, I decided to offer my brand exclusively through my website. You will also find intriguing editorial pieces and photography featured on the website in the near future. Behind-the-scenes looks at how we create, travel experiences that influence design and entrepreneurial insights for business-minded women. A dialogue from me to you which, I hope, you will find inspiring, informative and heartfelt.
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